Session 7
The "Drive" Hitting THEORETICAL MATERIAL The hit called "drive" is made by placing the racket at the level of the face, making a more or less straight shot that passes over the net towards the opponent's field. As in other hits, the drive has three phases: preparation phase, execution phase and recovery phase. PRACTICAL SESSION Session 7: “The Drive Hitting” Materials : Shuttlecocks, badminton rackets, hoops, Tablet. Grade : Fifth. Timing : 45 mins. Session aim: To l earn the hit called "drive", through different activities that put it into practice. Vocabulario específico Waist (cintura). Drive (impulso). Wall (pared). Implementation ( ejecución ). Step (paso). Distortion (distorsión). Movement (movimiento). Enough (suficiente). Through (a través). Successively ( sucesivamente ). Halfway (intermedio/a). Repetitive (repetitivo). Flexible (flexible). ...