Session 3
Positions and displacements THEORETICAL MATERIAL Basic position: The one in which the player waits for the shuttlecock hit by the opponent. In this position, the body will be facing the net, adopting a balanced position with the legs slightly flexed, the feet shoulder-width apart and the right one slightly forward (left for left-handers). Defensive position: The trunk is slightly more flexed than in the basic position. The executing arm will be in a lower position and close to the ground. Greater leg flexion. Displacements from the center forward. Displacements from the center to the sides of the pitch: A step will be made in the lateral direction with the right or left leg depending on where we want to move. Displacements from the center to the bottom of the pitch. PRACTICAL SESSION Session 3 : "Positions and displacements" Materials : Shuttlecocks, rackets, ropes, Tablet. Grade : Fifth. Timing : 45 mins. Session aim: To interpret ...