Session 3

Positions and displacements


  • Basic position: The one in which the player waits for the shuttlecock hit by the opponent. In this position, the body will be facing the net, adopting a balanced position with the legs slightly flexed, the feet shoulder-width apart and the right one slightly forward (left for left-handers).
  • Defensive position:
  1. The trunk is slightly more flexed than in the basic position.
  2. The executing arm will be in a lower position and close to the ground.
  3. Greater leg flexion.
  • Displacements from the center forward.
  • Displacements from the center to the sides of the pitch: A step will be made in the lateral direction with the right or left leg depending on where we want to move.
  • Displacements from the center to the bottom of the pitch.

Session 3: "Positions and displacements"
Materials: Shuttlecocks, rackets, ropes, Tablet.
Grade: Fifth.
Timing: 45 mins.
Session aim: To interpret and understand the different movements and positions that can be carried out in badminton.
Position (posición)
Down (abajo)
Up (arriba)
Displacement (desplazamiento)
Right (derecha)
Left (izquierda)
Forward (adelante)
Basic (básico/a)
Defensive (defensivo/a)
Soft (suave)
Hard (fuerte)
Quick (rápido)
Soon (pronto)
Late (tarde)
To place (situar)
To reach (llegar, alcanzar)
To find (encontrar)
To achieve (lograr)
To engage in (participar)
To crouch (agacharse)
To stand up (levantarse).
INITIAL PART (Session 3)
Activity 2:
A particular "catch-after"
Timing: 5 mins.
Teaching Style: Direct Command.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Mathematic; Learn to learn; Social and Civic; Cultural Awareness and Expression.
Aim: To get a touchdown with the movements left / right, front / back in the game of badminton.
In groups of six, they will play a “catch-after” game over the lines of the field. One player must tug the rest. Once he / she reaches someone, they will change roles.
The players who are on the lines of the field must stay in these, being able to use all of them.
Variants: The same game will be played, although instead of one player going to catch the rest, there will be three.
Intensity: Medium
Space: Gym
Material: Net

MAIN PART (Session 3)
Activity 3: Jump!
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Task assignment.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Social and Civic.
Aim: To coordinate the movements by jumping in different parts of the space.
Groups of five; four students will take a rope, forming a cross. They will move in a circle (in the same direction), making the central student jump on the free spaces.
1. The students holding the ropes will always be moving.

2. They will change roles once the one in the middle steps on a rope.
Variants: They will play the same game, but moving through space in different directions this time.
Intensity: High
Space: Gym
Material: Ropes
Activity 4: Touch the shoulder
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Task assignment.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Social and Civic.
Aim: To become familiar with the double step movement.
In pairs, the components will try to touch the partner's shoulder with one of their hands.
The touches should be soft, without hurting.
Variants: In pairs, they will choose a different color for each corner. In turn, one of them will say a color for their partner to go to the appropriate corner in side step.
Intensity: High
Space: Gym
Material: -
Activity 5: Move quick
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Task assignment.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Social and Civic; Mathematic and Entrepreneurship
Aim: To work out coordination, acquiring fast movements in badminton.
In pairs, a student will make movements, standing with their backs to the partner. He will slap him around, pointing to the corner where he/she will move.
1. The role will be changed every turn.

2. The signal will be indicated with the finger of one hand.

Variants: Same game, although the direction will be indicated by tilting the cork of a shuttlecock.
Intensity: High
Space: Gym
Material: Shuttlecocks

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Session 1
