Session 1

The shuttlecock and the racket


The shuttlecock and the racket are two basic elements for the badminton game.

On one hand, the shuttlecock is made up of 16 feathers, which remain attached to the cork base through a very resistant thread. You can find both natural and synthetic shuttlecocks made of plastic and nylon, the latter being more resistant over time and less expensive.

On the other hand, the racket is made up of the handle, the shaft and the head. To make a good grip on the racket it will be necessary to take the handle with the preferred hand and close it all over that handle, maintaining the correct pressure (more pressure when hitting the shuttlecock, and less the rest of the time).


Session 1: “The shuttlecock and the racket”
Material: Shuttlecocks, badminton rackets, net, Tablet.
Grade: Fifth.
Time: 45 mins.
Session aim: To make students have a first contact with the shuttlecock, the racket and their features through different activities related to them.
Shuttlecock (volante)
Flight (vuelo)
Weight (peso)
Head (cabeza)
Neck (cuello)
Leg (pierna)
Knee (rodilla)
Hand (mano)
Ankle (tobillo)
Wrist (muñeca)
Hip (cadera)
Shoulder (hombro)
Elbow (codo)
Racket (raqueta)
To catch (coger)
To fly (volar)
To run (correr)
To jump (saltar)
To take (tomar)
To hold (sostener)
To grasp (agarrar)
INITIAL PART (Session 1)
Activity 2:
Take off the shuttlecock!
5 mins.
Teaching style:
Direct Command.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurial Spirit.
Aim: To become familiar with the shuttlecock and its essential features.
In this activity, students must be in groups of three. Two of them will be arranged at two ends facing each other at a distance of two meters, passing the shuttlecock intermittently. The student in the central space will aim to take the shuttlecock before it is intercepted by their two classmates. In the event that the players located at the ends pass the shuttlecock ten times without being intercepted by the central defender, the roles must change.
1. Between the ends there will be two meters apart.

2. If the players at the ends pass the shuttlecock ten times without being caught by the center, they will change roles.
Variants: One person will throw a shuttlecock into the air, while the other two components must try to catch it on the fly with another shutttlecock they are holding.
Intensity: Low
Space: Gym
Material: Shuttlecocks
MAIN PART (Session 1)
Activity 3: Not to fall!
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Direct Command.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Mathematic; Learn to Learn.
Aim: To become familiar with the flight of the shuttlecock, by launching it in the air.
In pairs, one student will throw the shuttlecock vigorously while the other runs to catch it without touching the ground.
Each turn, they will change roles.
Variants: Each component will have three shuttlecocks. Three more shuttlecocks will be placed on the ground at a distance of three meters, which must be knocked down by the players.
Intensity: Medium
Space: Gym
Material: Shuttlecocks
Activity 4: Take it!
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Direct Command.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to Learn; Social and Civic.
Aim: To perform correct holdings of the racket and shuttlecock using the hand-eye skill.
In pairs, one student holds a shuttlecock, the other a racket. At signal they exchange their gear with a low pitch shot.
The separation distance between the players will not exceed two meters.
Variants: The racket will be placed vertically on a surface. The players next to it will have to catch it quickly when they hear the signal. The same will be done with the shuttlecock.
Intensity: Medium
Space: Gym
Material: Rackets and shuttlecocks
Activity 5: Let's Play!
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Task assignment.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Mathematic; Learn to Learn; Social; Entrepreneurial Spirit; Cultural Awareness
Aim: To have a first contact with the badminton game as a modified game.
In pairs, they will play badminton freely. Each student will be located in a part of the field, beyond the central net. They must throw the shuttlecock with the racket into the opponent's field.
1. Each player must stay in his field area beyond the net.

2. The player who gets the shuttlecock to touch the opponent's ground will be scored.
Variants: Match without a racket, throwing the shuttlecock into the opponent's court with the hands.
Intensity: High
Space: Gym
Material: Shuttlecocks, rackets, net

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Initial part and Final part
