Session 4

The serve

The badminton serve has three different phases:
  1. Preparation phase: The player's placement to perform the service will be behind the service line and close to the center line. The feet will be shoulder width apart, with the left foot slightly forward and the weight of the body resting on the right leg (upside down for the left-handed player).
  2. Execution phase: It will be carried out with a wide movement of the right arm, so as to describe a downward and forward trajectory. The weight of the body shifts from the back leg to the front one while a rotation of the hips and shoulders in a left direction originates.
  3. Recovery phase: The strike will end the complete rotation of the shoulders and hips to the left and the weight of the body shifted to the front leg. The eye will be on the trajectory of the shuttlecock and the reaction of the opponent.
Session 4 “The serve”
Materials: Shuttlecocks, badminton rackets, foam rubber balls, hoops, Tablet.

Grade: Fifth.
Timing: 45 mins.
Session aim: To master the technique of the serve through activities that help acquire the skills of it.

Service (saque).
Hoop (aro).
Preparation (preparación)
Performance (ejecución).
Recovery (recuperación).
Twist (giro).
Sideway (lateral).
Wide, large (amplio).
Stressed (tensionado).
Parallel (paralelo).
In front of (delante de).
Behind (detrás).
On (encima de).
Under (debajo de).
To serve (sacar).
To implement (ejecutar).
To adjust (ajustar).
To bounce (botar, rebotar).
To drop (dejar caer, soltar).
To displace (desplazar).
To aim (apuntar).

INITIAL PART (Session 4)
Activity 2: Hit the ball!
Timing: 5 mins.
Teaching Style: Direct command.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Social and Civic; Cultural Awareness and Expression.
Aim: To have a contact with the tactic of badminton.
In pairs, the students, opposite, must pass a foam rubber ball to each other, using their rackets.
Players must make the ball bounce in the direction of their partner so that they can hit it.

Variants: The same game will be played, although this time the ball must not touch the ground.
Intensity: Medium.
Espacio: Gym.
Materials: Rackets, foam rubber balls.
MAIN PART (Session 4)
Activity 3: Serve it!
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Task assignment.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Social and Civic.
Aim: To coordinate the movements related to the service.
In pairs, a component will launch the shuttlecock upwards and while descending will hit it towards the partner in front.
1. They will change roles in turn.

2. There will be no limits in the field.
Variants: The same game will be played, although applying the technique of the service itself.
Intensity: Medium.
Space: Gym.
Materials: Shuttlecocks, rackets.
Activity 4: The hip flask
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Task assignment.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Mathematic; Civic.
Aim: To become familiar with the proper movement of the service in a modified activity.
In groups of four, students will play the hip flask, with shuttlecocks. These must be launched by serves, and must fall as close as possible to the reference shuttlecock.
1. The serves will be made with the same technique as in a match.

2. The student whose shuttlecock is closest to the referent one will win.
Variants: Same game, although it won't be necessary to carry out the proper movement of the service.
Intensity: High.
Space: Gym.
Materials: Shuttlecocks, rackets.
Activity 5: Shuttlecocks and hoops
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Task asignment.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Mathematic; Learn to Learn; Social and Civic; Entrepreneurial spirit.
Aim: To work out coordination through service activities and eye-manual skills.
Three hoops will be placed progressively to the place of the serve. In pairs they should try to dunk the shuttlecocks in the hoops making serves.
The first hoop will be scoring 1 point, the second 2 points and the third 3 points.
Variants: In pairs. The hoops will be arranged much further and in the opposite field from where the students are. The scores will be the same.
Intensity: High.
Space: Gym.
Materials: Hoops, shuttlecocks, rackets.

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Session 1
