Session 5

High-hand hitting

There are three types of high-hand hitting. Each of them is made up of three distinct phases (preparation phase, execution phase and recovery phase). The existing hits are:
  1. Smash.
  2. Clear.
  3. Drop.
These movements can be made from any part of the field, provided that the player who performs them is not close to the net, since there are specific movements that take place when the player is in that part of the field.

Session 5: “High-Hand Hitting”
Materials: Shuttlecocks, badminton rackets, basket, Tablet.
Grade: Fifth.
Timing: 45 mins.
Session Aim: To learn and to execute high-hand beats, through activities that include all the types.
Smash (remate).
Clear (globo).
Drop (dejada).
Moment (momento).
Basket (canasta).
Leap, hop (salto).
Zone (zona).
High (alto).
Short, low (corto, bajo).
Bent (doblado, curvado).
Between (entre).
During, for (durante).
Rapidly (rápidamente).
Carefully (cuidadosamente)
To set (establecer, fijar).
To raise (levantar).
To extend (extender).
To bend (doblar).
To lead (dirigir).
To lower (reducir).
To spread (propagar).
INITIAL PART (Session 5)
Activity 2: Catch it!
Timing: 5 mins.
Teaching Style: Direct command.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Mathematic; Learn to learn; Social and Civic; Cultural Awareness and Expression.
Aim: To have contact with the tactic of the high-hand hitting.
In groups of three, two students in front each other must pass with the shuttlecock without the player in the middle picking it up.

1. Only passes with high strokes will be allowed.

2. If ten passes were made without the central player intercepting them, they would change the role.
Variants: The same game will be performed, mixing the high passes with any type of pass.

Intensity: High.
Space: Gym.
Materials: Shuttlecocks, rackets.
MAIN PART (Session 5)
Activity 3: Hit it!
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Direct Command.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Social and Civic.
Objective: To put the high-hand hitting into practice by extending the arms in the shot.
A shuttlecock will be tied to a basket. Later, in turns, each student should approach to that basket and hit the shuttlecock.
1. The height of the basket will be appropriate for the students.

2. Students will extend their arms with each stroke.
Variants: At the teacher's signal, two students should try to hit the shuttlecock of each basket faster than their partner.
Intensity: Medium.
Space: Gym.
Materials: Basket, rackets.
Activity 4: Hit it further!
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Task assignment.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Social and Civic.
Aim: To acquire the technique of high-hand hitting through exercises with outstretched arms.
In pairs, they will hit the shuttlecock as far as possible from the same point.
1. The arms will always be extended.

2. The one who places the shuttlecock furthest will score a point.
Variants: The game will be played in the same way, targeting another shuttlecock at a distance.
Intensity: High.
Space: Gym.
Materials: Shuttlecocks, rackets.
Activity 5: Bring it back!
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Task assignment.
Competencias Clave: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Social and Civic; Entrepreneurial spirit.
Aim: To work on decision making, as well as the different types of high-hand shots.
In pairs, one will make ten high-hand shots. The partner will return the shuttlecock with "smashes", "clears" or "drops".
1. The responding student will perform one of the three types of high-hand hitting.

2. Every ten serves, the roles will be changed.

Variants: In pairs, one of the components will be uploaded on a platform. As the partner throws the shuttlecock , they will need to respond with one of three types of high-hand hitting, while also jumping off the bench (introduction of changing environments).
Intensity: High.
Space: Gym.
Materials: Benches, rackets, shuttlecocks.

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Session 1
