Session 6

Hitting on the net

There are two types of hitting on the net. Each of them is made up of three distinct phases (preparation phase, execution phase and recovery phase). The types of hitting on the net are:
  1. Net drop.
  2. Lob: throwing the shuttlecock at the bottom of the opponent's field.

Session 6: “Hitting on the net”
Materials: Shuttlecocks, badminton rackets, foam rubber balls, hoops, Tablet.
Grade: Fifth.
Timing: 45 mins.
Session aim: To acquire the movements that can be performed near the net.
Lob (globo desde la red).
Net drop (dejada en red).
Start (inicio).
Stem (tronco).
Extremities (extremidades)
Angle (Ć”ngulo).
Grip (empuƱadura).
Slightly (ligeramente).
Nimbly (Ć”gilmente).
Then (entonces, despuĆ©s).
Around (alrededor).
Seldom (casi nunca).
Barely, hardly (apenas).
As regards (en lo referente).
To flex (flexionar).
To recover (recuperar).
To execute (ejecutar).
To grip (agarrar).
To touch (tocar).
To carry out (llevar a cabo).
To accomplish (lograr).
INITIAL PART (Session 6)
Activity 2: A particular handball!
Timing: 5 mins.
Teaching Style: Direct command.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Mathematic; Learn to learn; Social and Civic; Cultural Awareness and Expression.
Aim: To learn the technique of hitting near the net, through a modified game that involves this technique.
In pairs, they should alternately hit a rubber ball against the wall, placing the racket below the waist.
1. They should count the hits they are giving, to progressively exceed that figure.

2. The rackets will always remain below the waist.

Variants: In pairs, they will exchange hits followed by a turn (lobs).
Intensity: High.
Space: Gym.
Materials: Rackets, shuttlecocks, foam rubber balls.
MAIN PART (Session 6)
Activity 3: Make a lob!
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Direct command.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Social and Civic.
Aim: To put into practice and learn the hit called “lob” next to the net.
Individually, each student will cross the gym hitting their shuttlecocks only the essential times.
The player with the least number of touches crossing the space will win.
Variants: In pairs, they must cross the gym making themselves drops continuously, winning the pair that has dropped their shuttlecock the least times on the ground.
Intensity: Medium.
Space: Gym.
Materials: Shuttlecocks, rackets.
Activity 4: Double lobs!
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Task assignment.
Key Competences: Linguistic Communication; Learn to learn; Social and Civic.
Aim: To practice the “lob” hitting and drops near the net in changing environments.
In groups of four, two components will ride on their partners with their rackets. There, they will make lobs near the net.
The couple that manages to make the shuttlecock fall in the opposite field will score one point.
Variants: The same game will be played, though in this case one of the two pairs will make lob shots in a distance from the net and the other, drops next to the net. Points will not be counted.
Intensity: High.
Space: Gym.
Materials: Net, shuttlecocks, rackets.
Activity 5: Point it out!
Timing: 8 mins.
Teaching Style: Task assignment.
Key Competences: Learn to Learn; Social and Civic; Initiative and Entrepreneurial Spirit.
Aim: To work the drop near the net, in addition to the eye-hand coordination.
In pairs, each component will be in a part of the field. One will make drops, while the other will make lobs to score the shuttlecock in a hoop located in the other field.
1. The student to score must be placed in the middle of his/her field.

2. The players will rotate each turn.

Variants: Same game, both components must be on a bench, though.
Intesnity: High.
Space: Gym.
Materials: Benches, shuttlecocks, rackets

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Initial part and Final part

Session 1
